
Custom software to streamline
and enhance mapping workflows

Kraken: T-Kartor's Conflation Solution

T-Kartor USA's Kraken Conflation Service is designed to promote repeatable accurate conflation through the use of automation to reduce cost and increase productivity.

Our method is designed to preserve feature level interaction and the transference of attribution between conflation data sources. The system supports all geometry types.

After the automated process is completed, pinpoints for analyst review are generated. The pinpoints are used as part of tipping-and-queuing where the analysts perform conflation cleanup. 

  • Not limited by set software, can be configured to deliver a custom solution
  • More efficient and effective than available COTS conflation programs
  • Point, Curve, and Surface geometries are conflated
  • Reduces costs and increases productivity
  • Preserves feature level interaction and the transference of attribution between conflation data sources
  • Reduces time required for analysts to repair topology
  • Pinpointing method allows for quality control of conflation tasks and aits in further refinement of the conflation process
  • High-level approach to conflation provides a distinct advantage in requiring minimal analyst training unlike other conflation solutions that require secondary software suites
  • T-Kartor USA's conflation methodology has been designed to satisfy NGA's data requirements and adheres to NGA's one-feature-one-time policy

T-Kartor USA's Odin Tool

The T-Kartor USA Odin tool offers the ability to capture the height of an object from 2D imagery within an UNCLASSIFIED online image streaming session. Odin offers the convenience of rapidly measuring multiple times without downloading each time the user changes images.

Odin allows the user to capture the height of an object using several methods and provides the user with the ability to filter image stream content by certain metadata values. These metadata values are available to the user through the image carousel or table of contents (TOC). The user can filter based on image date, cloud cover percentage, off-Nadir, and sun elevation.

  • Tool connects to DigitalGlobe web map tiling service
  • Image carousel contained in dynamic dockable window
  • Odin accepts source package ID information created from DigitalGlobe's EVWHS website
  • Ability to filter active image stream content by user defined metadata values
  • Filter by image date, cloud coverage percentage, off-Nadir, and sun elevation
  • Filter image stream by satellite type
  • Measure objects while within streaming session
  • Capture height of object utilizing shadow or perceived "lean" of an object

Cartographic Production Services

T-Kartor has developed a unique production environment based on Open Source and best available COTS products. We maintain a seamless database covering the complete production area in the different scales.

Once the seamless database is completed all focus is on maintenance. All product rules are defined in the Knowledgebase to support the automated production process.

When a product is needed, select print and the latest version of all defined data for the specific product is gathered based on the Knowledgebase and an automated production of all output formats.

T-Kartor produces any type of map or chart on paper or any digital format for Aero, Hydro or Topo.

This allows for rapid, reliable and extremely cost-effective production of maps and charts on paper or digital, routinely produced or available quickly in a product-on-demand contingency environment.

GIMS: High security online delivery of geospatial information

In 2011, The Norwegian Defense commissioned T-Kartor for the development of the Geospatial Information Management System (GIMS), also known as GT. GIMS is an operational solution for high-security web delivery of geospatial information.

By integrating geospatial, meteorological and oceanographic information in the same system, GIMS enables secure multi-INT management for mission-critical decision making.

GIMS solutions are Management Information Systems that apply military grade security and enable thousands of troops access to advanced geographical and meteorological services in the field to make sure that everyone shares the same version of the data.

T-Kartor is in the process of initiating a more formal marketing launch where GIMS is sold to other military organizations and corporations under a traditional license model.